Hi Angie!
I know it's after Christmas, but I thought I would send you a holiday picture / card of the girls I put together [the kitty hats went on sale and I couldn't resist!]. They're not big fans of the hats, so our hands are a little in the shots as we held them still for the pictures. That's our actual 'tree' in the background too, I made it and hung it on the wall since we knew they would probably climb into an actual tree =) I just thought I would share how we've included them in our festivities this year! And since they were good, Santa got them lots of toys for Christmas too, most of which are lost already across the house.
Lexi just went in this Friday to get spayed, so we're keeping an eye on her, but she's doing just fine and wants to wrestle and play like normal. I think we're more worried than she is =) I'm also working on getting her to cover up her mess in the litter box, she just walks away and let's the other two cover it up for her when they happen to smell it, so hopefully she learns her manners before the other two get any ideas!
Nikki is the troublemaker of the house. If something is fallen, torn, missing, or eaten, we all know who did it! We're working on trying to get her to stay off the counters, she knows it's bad to do and she's gotten very close to getting burned on the stove, but foil, water, sprays, and noise haven't worked so far. If you have any suggestions, we're definitely open to them!
And Whiskey is perfect =) She asks for her treats, jumps right into her basket for bed time, and even wakes me up so I'm not late for work. Sometimes she likes to play with her food and make a mess, but we can forgive that the moment she looks at us with her adorable face. She's the best example for the other two, we're just hoping they learn!
Finally, we saw the sign that said that there was no food for the dogs/cats at Magnificent Mutts )= We donated two large bags of cat food on Friday since we saw there was only dog food donations in there. Hopefully that helps you and any of the other cat/kitten foster parents as I can only imagine how much food is needed to keep so many of them full and happy. For this year I'll also be donating $20/month from my check through my employer's tie with United Way. I know it's not a lot, and that it will go to Magnificent Mutts as a whole to share, but I'm hoping it helps and shows just thankful I am for now having my three loveably crazy kitties =)
Thank you again, and I hope you have a great New Year!