Sunday, February 23, 2014

Happy Tail

Hi Angie,

I just wanted to thank you again for helping us with finding Rosalee and Lola. They are both doing very well in their new home. Rosalee loves to spend time in our windows and has really warmed up to our home. Lola is very playful and fun. She loves lots of attention and play time. They have enjoyed chasing each other around our condo and then taking naps together in a cozy spot.

I have attached a few pictures of the cuties. Thanks again! We are so happy to have them with us :)


Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Kelly aka Kellar Update Year 3!

To read Kelly's whole story, please see Underdogs (Kellar), Happy Tails Feb. 2011, and Happy Tails Feb. 2013.

This is Kelly's 3rd year with us since her rescue and adoption! She is now a mountain dog and loving every minute of it. This summer, we made the 1000 mile trek to Colorado in a moving truck. Kelly was the best co-pilot on the two day trip. This was also her first time staying in a hotel and she was much better behaved than the kids across the hall!

Kelly is no longer the shy dog we adopted; she is fearless, full of intrigue, and has an extreme ability to adapt to change. As long as she is with her Moms, she will do anything! After the move, Kelly learned the layout of her new house in a couple of days. Her favorite spot is on the second story deck. She lays or sits out there utilizing her extraordinary nose and ears. There is no doubt the she enjoys "looking" at the mountains as much as we do.

Kelly loves to go for rides in the truck and go on hiking excursions. This summer, she crossed a foot bridge over the Platte River. Even though the bridge swayed with the wind, she was very confident crossing it.

We could write a book about Kelly. Do yourself a favor and adopt a blind dog. They really are special and will provide you with a lifetime of laughs and love! No wonder she was a Valentine's Day dog!
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Saturday, February 1, 2014

Celtic - Hunter Si

We adopted Celtic, new name to us Hunter Si Mothers Day weekend. We had just lost our dog of 8 years to cancer and was looking for a new love. We'll we found her or shall I say she found me. Hunter Si had the most beautiful eyes and was cute. When we saw her we said she is the one.