Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Cub Creek

Hey Michelle,

Cub had a really good vet visit. As far as his age, the vet said that he thinks
Cub is only about 1 year old, maybe 1 and 1/2 AT MOST. Great news!

Besides the vet visit, Cub has been making some serious progress!
We've been on a couple of long walks in forest preserve areas and he
really seems to enjoy them, but he gets a little nervous if there's a
lot of commotion going on. We try to keep to the peaceful areas and he
does just fine. At home, he mostly stays in the living room, where
we've set out numerous comfortable spots for him, but lately he's been
venturing out to other rooms. Lately he's taken to following Tess
around like a shadow. He loves all of his toys, but I think his
favorite so far is his stuffed fox. He's been eating his Blue
Wilderness dog food with a little of the wet food that you gave us
mixed in. His appetite is the one thing he seems to have never had a
problem with.

Thanks for checking in last night. I would've gotten back to you
sooner, but it's been a VERY busy few days. Cub has really been doing
great overall and is still making progress every day, sometimes even
every hour. We're grateful to have found him and you. We'll definitely
be in touch with more news.

Best regards,


Saturday, June 23, 2012

New addition to our family :]

We've had our current dog, Saba, a 10 year old Rhodesian Ridgeback, for many years now, and she has simply been the best friend we could ever ask for. But recently we have been thinking about and wanting to get her and ourselves a new friend to add to the family. After going to the Magnificent Mutts event at Lord and Taylor today, we fell in love with the next perfect dog, Sparta! He's a 5 month old Shepard mix and he was a perfect fit with Saba and with all of us. The second I walked into the event, my eyes and heart went to him. We don't know if we will keep his name or change it, but I cannot wait to watch him grow up!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Rhett aka Rupert


My name is Beth Schopp and my boyfriend and I adopted Rupp [Rhett] on February 18th, 2012. Our lives have changed for the better and I wanted to thank each and every person at Magnificent Mutts Rescue! I wanted to share a few (ok, alot) of pictures with you :)



I had a little blessing come along named Gavin on Feb.11, 2012.
Now, four months later I have one of the most loyal companions in my life. Gavin has now been renamed "Trio" representing the number 3. Three represents my birthday Dec.3rd, my age 23, and Gavin was also 1/3 pups among his two other sisters. He has recently lost his baby teeth, and has the energy of a 2 year old toddler :)
He sleeps with me every night snuggled up tight, and he's always at my heels even while I shower. I sometimes feel like I should of named him Shadow because he is always near my side.

Thank you so much for Trio!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Clyde ada Doodle Bug

Hi Michelle,

He's good-Him (Clyde, although we call him Doodle by mistake) and Bonnie have gotten into it a few times, but the next day, they seem to be playful again. He's still very skittish, but seems to be warming up. He's been spending more time on the first floor instead of just hiding in Nina's room upstairs. He's absolutely adorable when we let him outside in the back with Bonnie. He'll run and play with her, visit the neighbors dogs through the fence and when I come back outside, he's extremely playful with his giant paws. Melts me every time.

I'm bringing him into Elmhurst today for his check-up. He's does scratch some, but seems to be less and less each day. We've given him 2 baths using a Petco Oatmeal shampoo. He can get stinky quick.

Talk to you soon,


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Monday, June 4, 2012

Indy aka Paddy

Thank you Magnificent Mutts Rescue! We love our boy Paddy...we have renamed him Indy. He is so sweet!! ¢¾

Saturday, June 2, 2012


Boris and his family lost their home in January 2009 due to foreclosure. The family left the house and reportedly returned to Bulgaria. Boris was left all alone in the house, to be fed only during sporadic visits from a relative. Thanks to a kind and concerned neighbor, Boris's plight came to the attention of Magnificent Mutts Rescue, and Boris was placed in foster care. Despite Boris's tough-looking mug, he delighted his new friends with his loving, gentle disposition.

Unfortunately, Boris injured his leg soon after while playing outside and bagan limping. Vets at EACC determined that he had torn his left rear ACL, and scheduled him for surgery. Boris sailed through the surgery with flying colors and became a favorite of EACC staff. Better yet, while he was recuperating at EACC, Boris met George, his new Forever Friend.

Boris joined George in a lovely Chicago condo, and settled into a routine of gentle rehabilitative exercise, city outings with George (boating!), and regular trips to doggie day care to play with other furry friends.

George is thrilled to have adopted Boris, despite the dog's initial special needs. George wrote us that "Boris has settled in nicely and everyone loves him...He is a really good dog, and he knows that he is not allowed downstairs because of his leg, and has never tried to go down there. He also has the best temperament of any dog that I have ever had."

Ellie May

Ellie May is an awesome dog, full of fun and life. But she almost didn't make it out of the shelter alive.

Ellie's owner had dumped her at a kill shelter due to "no boarding and can't afford her no more." And as a large, older, black dog, her prospects were very poor. In fact, Ellie was the last dog selected for rescue that week, before the crowded shelter would have to start putting animals down due to space.

When Ellie arrived at Mag Mutts, she was listless and grossly overweight, with horribly overgrown claws and a dull, dry, brownish tinged coat that had bare patches on her bottom from sitting all day. She could barely move, and it took 3 people to lift her out of the van at EACC. Ellie's pretty face was masked by an expression of sadness and resignation.

EACC vets determined that Ellie was basically healthy, but was suffering from poor nutrition and an underactive thyroid gland. After a couple of weeks of thyroid medication, quality nutrition, and regular exercise, Ellie's energy level spiked, and she began losing weight. Her coat filled in and became glossy black, and the light came back to her eyes. Best of all, Ellie's joyful and friendly "Large and In Charge" personality emerged, and she attracted the attention of her new Forever Family.

Ellie May is still a big girl, but she is now happy, healthy, active, and enjoying the second chance that Magnificent Mutts and EACC gave her.


When Beulah the Pomeranian arrived at Magnificent Mutts Rescue, her documents named her as "Pom #26", after the "26" tattooed inside her right ear at the puppy mill where she had spent long years in a cage, producing babies for sale. Beulah also came with a patchy and badly matted coat, deformed "cage feet" and a mouth rotten with decayed teeth.

Amazingly, though, Beulah was friendly and trusting with the people she met on her rescue journey. Beulah received her intake vet care at EACC, where she was bathed, examined, dewormed, vaccinated, and spayed- and also had every one of her remaining ruined teeth pulled.

While at her foster home, Beulah displayed obvious pleasure in her new surroundings: the freedom, good food, grassy yard, kind words, and a soft bed. She learned to snuggle, and she learned to play. Beulah even bounced back quickly from her new toothlessness, and never once turned down a meal or snack.

Beulah soon found her Forever Family, who renamed her Autumn. With the help of her new mom Colleen, Autumn "wrote" her foster mom a lovely Thank-you letter, for helping her recover from her awful life in the puppy mill. Today, Autumn is "big sister" to another rescue dog.


Hi Michelle -

It's going great! I think she's adapting well. My roommate just had her schedule changed so she now has Tuesdays and Thursdays off so her and Gardenia have been having their own "hang out" time, which is nice. She does well on our walks, other dogs go crazy and bark and she just stares and keeps on walking. We made a stop and Petco and picked her up some new toys, it's so funny to watch her play with them. All of the sudden you'll hear a bunch of growling and she's tossing her toys from one side of the room to the other and playing fetch with herself. When I try to play with her she stops, so it looks like she's a solo-player for now.

This past weekend we visited my parents and Gardenia met their dog. At first they wanted nothing to do with each other but by the end of the weekend my parents dog would be whining at my door in the morning waiting for Gardenia to come out. They had fun playing in the kiddie-pool. I think we're going to do a training class soon so she can meet other dogs and brush up on her manners.

I'm very excited about it all, thanks for catching up! I'll try and remember to send updates but don't be afraid to follow up. Time always gets away from me. I've attached a picture, she's definitely a lap dog!

Have a good weekend! (And I'm so happy for Doodle Bug - he was such a sweetheart!)
