Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Hi, please find attached the course completion form for Sammy (german shepard female formerly known as Steffi), we are currently escaping the heat at a small lake in Michigan, pics attached. Bill

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Gus aka Liam

Hi Angie!
Thank you so much for my new best friend! I've been looking for a kitten for a while now and had no idea I would meet one and fall in love at the expo. Liam who now goes by Gustav (or Gus for short) is happy and healthy and he fits in perfectly at our home. I took him to the vet in Elmhurst today and he purrred through the whole visit! The doctor gave him an A+ for health and set us up on a vaccination schedule. I plan on getting him neutered through PAWs mid august and microchipped on the same day. He follows our two other cats around the house and they are slowly warming up to him I'm sure by the end of the week they will be cuddled up together for nap-times and stalking cat toys as a pack.
Thank you again, I really love my little GusGus
Alexandra Noe

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Stella (formerly Amira)

Stella was adopted by my daughter and her boyfriend on Friday the 13th and I have been lucky enough to take care of her 3 times so far while they were both at work. Stella is one of a litter of 6 who were rescued by Magnificent Mutts and I can't tell you what a joy she is!!! She is one of the best dogs I have ever met and my own dog and 3 cats welcomed her like she was an old friend. She is perfect in every way. At only 10 weeks, she sits perfectly, no accidents in the house,she loves other animals and humans (especially the toddler next door). She plays till she drops, learned to retrieve a ball in just a few tries and loves to go for walks. I can't be happier for my daughter and her bf, I think they are going to have the best life with this wonderful addition to the family. Thanks to Magnificent Mutts for saving the lives of these puppies!

Carole (and Scarlett the dog, Stinky, Seamus and Shaggy the cats)

Saturday, July 21, 2012


Thanks again to all of you at Magnificent Mutts for bringing our little Shadow (formerly Jackie) into our lives. Adopting her was the best decision we could have possibly made. She just turned one and has become a high energy, very smart and well behaved dog and we couldn't love her more!! ~The Coleman's

Friday, July 13, 2012


I'm so happy we were able to bring Picasso home, he's been a bundle of joy for the whole family and the neighborhood dogs too.
He's so funny when he plays with his toys!
Thanks again SO much!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Zues aka Copper

I adopted Zeus a couple weeks ago and just wanted to send a picture and thank you for allowing me to adopt him! He's doing great and everyone loves him! Here's a picture of him on the 4th of July!
Thanks, Meghan Toppel

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Lexi / Mika

Hi Angie!

I wanted to send you an update this weekend because 7/7 was Lexi's/Mika's birthday [1 year old!] and I thought it would be cute to share how much she has grown! She's grown so much, it's hard to believe she used to fit on just one hand when you need two arms to cuddle her now!

The other set of photos is of her with Whiskey/Doris and Nikki/Sika to show just how much they enjoy spending time with each other. They nap together in everyone's beds, take their spots in the cat tower by our computers, and go bird-watching at the nearest window.

They make us laugh every day [even when they're being bad girls], and they have a lot of fun chasing each other across every inch of the house before stretching out for a great nap on the nearest comfy surface [bed, carpet, sofa, shoe, box, lap, shoulder, chair, magazine... we've learned that they aren't picky].

Thank you again for everything!


Sunday, July 8, 2012

Lexi / Mika

Hi Angie!

I wanted to send you an update this weekend because 7/7 was Lexi's/Mika's birthday [1 year old!] and I thought it would be cute to share how much she has grown! She's grown so much, it's hard to believe she used to fit on just one hand when you need two arms to cuddle her now!

The other set of photos is of her with Whiskey/Doris and Nikki/Sika to show just how much they enjoy spending time with each other. They nap together in everyone's beds, take their spots in the cat tower by our computers, and go bird-watching at the nearest window.

They make us laugh every day [even when they're being bad girls], and they have a lot of fun chasing each other across every inch of the house before stretching out for a great nap on the nearest comfy surface [bed, carpet, sofa, shoe, box, lap, shoulder, chair, magazine... we've learned that they aren't picky].

Thank you again for everything!

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Saturday, July 7, 2012


Tasha came into our lives completely by chance.

I was working late at night and saw an "adopt-a-pet" commercial. After crying for an hour, I decided to Google pets for adoption in my area. I had always wanted to adopt an older dog and give it some great "golden years."

I found 8 year old Tasha and sent in an email asking for more information about this German Shepard with special needs.

We met Tasha on a stormy Sunday (after 1.5 hours of driving to her!) and we discussed if we could really handle an older dog who would need special attention.

We got to Elmhurst Animal Care Center, Linda showed us to the dog room and Tasha walked out of her cage. I started BAWLING. I had this overwhelming feeling of "Oh, there you are. The dog I've been looking for." Even though she limped a little, I knew she was the one for us.

We took Tasha home that day and we haven't given it a second thought. We bought medicine for her hips/knees, a massager to help her joints, and signed her up for swim time (which she loves). She might be an older lady but she greets us at the front door whenever we come home and she loves to give big kisses. Even if we're only gone for a minute she acts like we've been gone for years, wagging her tail and smooching us. She has filled such a void in our lives, we couldn't imagine living without her.

We owe a lot of thanks to Magnificent Mutts for bringing Tasha to us, we had been searching for someone to love. She is beautiful, happy, and just so sweet. We couldn't have picked a better pup.

Friday, July 6, 2012


Abby recently celebrated her 1st Birthday, completely with a doggy cake for the birthday girl! She's doing absolutely wonderful and is great with every person and every dog, and even though she's 65lbs she was able to play perfectly with two 3lb teacup yorkie boys! We've been doing continuing obedience training nd are currently enrolled in an AKC Canine Good Citizen class. She's really just the sweetest, happiest, goofiest little pup and anyone who meets her can't help but fall in love with her.

Thank you so much for bringing her into my life, she is such a joy and I'm so lucky to be her "momma."

Monday, July 2, 2012


Hi Linda,

A million thank yous for bringing Tasha into our lives! We're already head over heels for her and she's been enjoying lots of snuggles, plenty of naps, and is already signed up for a swim-therapy class to help her hips.

We also bought her a nice, orthopedic bed which she loves to sleep NEXT to (photo attached). J
