Tuesday, May 17, 2011

La La Big Dog

So, I live with my mother, who is in her 80's with mobility issues and a heart condition, and a high anxiety level. For three years, she told me, "I want a dog!" I finally asked her what kind she wanted, and she responded, "I want a Rottweiler!" Well, knowing that this is a wonderful breed in the right hands, and that we are not those hands, and being a non-obsessive person, I spent the next three years doing dog research, and came up with a list: no puppies, no dog breeds over 30 lbs., female dogs are generally calmer, and no high energy needs to be walked 400 miles a day kind of dog breeds.

Then, July 18, 2008 came along, and we went to PetSmart to get cat food. (Did I mention we already had a cat?) Of course, there was an adoption day going on, and two strategic errors happened: Mama got out of the car, which she never does, and when I got to the back of the store I looked into the pen of puppies, and he was sitting there looking back at me saying, "OH HAI!" And I picked him up. It was all over at that point. I mean, after all, how could you resist that face?

The good news is that after three years of dog research, I knew what I was in for, and Salty Dog has been a fantastic addition to our family. He's great with kids and the elderly/handicapped, and is an all-around ham. He loves the cats, who aren't quite as sure about him. He's the best thing that ever happened to our house, and quite frankly, he knows it. He's my good boy, and I don't know where I'd be without him!

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