Tuesday, November 16, 2010

greatest puppy ever!

*Three cheers* Magnificent mutts! Yay!
On September 29 we adopted Milo (then Ho-ho) an 8 week old lab mix. He is the love of my life always keeping me on my toes, making me laugh, and keeping me company in the morning while I¡¦m getting ready for work. My family has absolutely fallen in love with Milo. He spends the days with grandma and grandpa (my parents) while I¡¦m at work and is so happy to see me when I come home, he makes even the longest horribly crappiest day melt away. It warms my heart just thinking about it. Not to mention he¡¦s become the best running buddy ever! When I feel like stopping to take a breath Milo takes the end of the leash and pulls/nudges me forward, HE is my second wind. He keeps me going. He is getting so big so fast ƒ¼ but I can¡¦t imagine my life without him. He is an extraordinarily intelligent dog taking to his puppy training quickly it amazes me just how much he understands. Milo is so friendly and cute everybody loves him even my co workers who have only met him through the pict
ures on my computer desktop. You¡¦ll be happy to also know that he is the picture of health and just finished his last round of shots (yesterday actually) and is due back for his neuter in three weeks. I¡¦m just crossing my fingers that everything goes smoothly there. Well it¡¦s time for our run, thank you again for bringing Milo into our lives, I know you must hear people say this all the time but he is truly the perfect family dog. We love him pieces! God bless!

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