Sunday, July 10, 2011


I just wanted to check in and let you know that Horton seems to be acclimating very well. He and Kaya (the cat) only had one or two tense moments when she realized he was coming into her space. They seemed to have figured out how to handle that and are learning to move around each other. He has also figured out how to let use know that he needs to go out and has been a perfect gentleman all around. I've scheduled a vet appointment for him later in the week and I'm looking into some where that I can get him bathed as well. I'll keep you updated with news and pictures. Have a great rest of the weekend!


1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that Horton found his forever home! I wish that it could have been with my family, but things just didnt work out that way for us. He seems happy and so I am happy.
